Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So I am bad at updating...

Ummm...well, a few things have happened since we last spoke. Let's begin, shall we?

We moved into a new house, had a third child, added a nephew, a sister-in-law, and a brother-in-law to the family. I got my Master's of Education, run a school football league, workout every morning with P90X and John, and am the K-2 technology facilitator for Paxtonia Elementary. Katie works at the Hershey Med Center AND takes care of the 3 girls full time. Maddie turned 3 and started Preschool, Olivia is almost 2 and Ella is now eating rice cereal. Wow! Are you kidding me?!?

Let me lay some pictures on you cuz... I am going to put more on here, but these are a few to get you started.

My 3 year old playing the pink axe.

Maddie and her Aunt, Emily. Em married a fine young man named David Ingram. David is in Med School out in Arizona, where he is from. The time difference makes it hard to Skype with our little laddies, but it creates quieter phone calls to Katie. ;-)

Steven "Trace" Mahan, my sister's youngling. Trace is only a few months older than Ella, but I think Bethany and Steve give him growing pills...hmmmm He's so cute. I have to hold him often to help ease my "no boys zone" blues.

Ella Lynn Deitrick - June 22, 2010

It could be said that Maddie loves her a lot...maybe a bit too much.
Daddy in love again.

The sweet smell of victory!

The new house. We are home.