Sunday, March 22, 2009

Let me catch thee up

Wow, has it been a long time since last we blogged! Our little family has done quite a lot, and I am sure you are more than eager to hear about it. Right?
For starters, Maddie brushed up on her ninja skills.

Then, we had our good friends from college, Marci and Ryan come for a weekend with their son, Wyatt.

Then, Maddie learned to walk in heels.

Then, Janet came to visit us, but ended up in the ER for a few days.
(Don't worry though, she is feeling better now.)
Later, a few of my friends came down from New England to hang out with the girls and play a little frolf for our birthdays. (JFK and his wife, Kate on top. Brian Ford below.)

. . . and just the other day, I put together a swing set for the girls. They both love it, and Maddie can't get enough.

So, there you go. Feel caught up?

Deitrick, signing off.